Thursday, November 26, 2009

“Reducing Your Risk of Getting Breast Cancer” plus 3 more

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“Reducing Your Risk of Getting Breast Cancer” plus 3 more

Reducing Your Risk of Getting Breast Cancer

Posted: 25 Nov 2009 04:52 PM PST

It is important if you are a woman to know what you can do to reduce your risk of getting breast cancer. Although most people think that it is something that strikes without any real cause or wrong doing of the person, there are in fact certain things you can do to limit your change of developing breast cancer. This article will be your guide to staying healthy and avoid being diagnosed with this tragic condition.

Studies have shown that there is in fact a connection between the bras that some women wear and the development of breast cancer. The problem with some bras is that they inhibit the functioning of the lymphatic system properly, which consists of an intricate system of blood vessels and nodes that is responsible for flushing the waste out of our bodies.

When this waste accumulates in our bodies, the result can be fibrocystic changes, which can lead to cysts, lumps, and general pain. Not wearing a bra can dramatically reduce your chance of developing breast cancer, as can breast feeding on a regular basis or exercising consistently.

One thing you can do to prevent getting cancer in the future is to massage your breasts each night, gently and first, and then more firmly. Believe it or not, this has been proven to keep cysts or lumps away that can lead to cancer. Even though your breasts may be a little sore at first, with enough time they will start feeling better. It is important that you consistently do this to greatly reduce your chances of being diagnosed with breast cancer.

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Knowing All the Signs of Breast Cancer

Posted: 25 Nov 2009 04:52 PM PST

More and more women are becoming afraid that they might develop a tumor on their breast which will indicate the presence of cancer. Although this is not always the case, it is critical that every woman be aware of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, so they are able to recognize them and seek treatment if necessary. The more information you have, the better your chances will be of staying healthy for years to come.

Other than an actual lump on the breast, women should be aware of changes in the size or shape of their breasts as well. This can indicate the presence of a lump that may or may not be cancerous in nature. Other symptoms to keep an eye out for are dimples on the skin, and the inversion of nipples. Usually, pain is not a good indicator for breast cancer, but it could be indicative of other conditions which effect the breasts, such as mastodynia.

What is called "inflammatory breast cancer" is different than typical breast cancer, and some of the symptoms of this condition include redness on the skin on the breast or a texture that resembles that of an orange peel. If you notice any of these signs, you should contact a doctor immediately to get diagnosed. The early you are diagnosed, the better your chances will be of remaining healthy.

There is a condition which effects the breast and is known as "eczamatoid". The symptoms of this condition include change in color of the breast and a slight flaking texture around the nipple. As this condition worsens, you might experience an itching sensation and general irritability around the breast area. Most women who have this condition do have a lump on their breast, although it is much more rare than the type of breast cancer which most women are diagnosed with.

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Knowing All the Signs of Breast Cancer Before Its Too Late

Posted: 25 Nov 2009 04:52 PM PST

One of the most common reasons that so many women are dying of breast cancer is because they failed to recognize the signs before it was too late. By arming yourself with information, you are protecting your body from harm in the future. This article will review some of the most important signs and symptoms of breast cancer that every single woman should be aware of.

One of the most common symptoms of breast cancer is a lump that can be felt on the surface of the breast. If you feel any sort of lump, you should seek a medical opinion at once. Your doctor will be able to tell you if the lump is malignant or benign. This way you will know if it poses any sort of threat to your health, or if it is completely harmless. Even if you think that it isn't a big deal, it's always good to get checked out just in case.

Other than a lump, there are some other symptoms that you will definitely want to be aware of. You'll want to take note of a change in either size or shape of your breast, because this could indicate a cancerous lump, even if one cannot be felt or detected on the surface. You will also want to see a doctor is you are experiencing any change of color, including redness, itching, or irritation on your breast.

Aside from the actual breast, a change in your nipples could indicate breast cancer as well. If your nipples seem inverted, it is important that you get checked out right away. It could be a symptom of a type of breast cancer that left unchecked could be fatal. The redness, burning, and itching that some women experience could be a sign of a condition that is known as "Paget's disease", and it potentially harmful to your body if it is not treated right away.

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Information on Breast Cancer

Posted: 25 Nov 2009 09:00 AM PST

Each October, wherever you go you see pink ribbons. This month has been designated as the Month of sensitization to breast cancer. Some companies use this month to pledge financial support to the cause and the sale of roses. But wait, before you go to get their pink color, maybe you should do some checking to see how this money is given is used for research and uses it to give people information on cancer breast.

In my opinion, is much more important to have a good level of knowledge about breast cancer and be aware of when you should have a mammogram. Breast cancer is better to stop before it's too late, because if caught early, treatment is more likely to succeed. Although you can find information about breast cancer on the Internet at any time there is an increased effort in October for information on breast cancer for women and keep them informed about the options available, because they need not be a death sentence. There are even cases where the cancer was treated at a later stage.

It is important that you do not read an article on information about breast cancer, but something that has been produced by a reliable source. The updated information is regularly published on the Internet by medical organizations and research and can give a good picture of what you need to know. Although most information on breast cancer have some truth, must be seeking the latest results, and you should also know what your doctor has in mind for your health. This could also be information that you want to share with women of his family so they know who may be at risk and the need to pay attention to breast health at an earlier age.

It may seem like a lot of problems, but if the information suggests that you need a mammogram then it is better to know now. Information is a valuable resource and therefore his family, especially if there is a history of breast cancer and this may mean that you should be examined earlier and more regularly.

Learning to examine yourself is another useful skill that could save you time. Find packages can accelerate early treatment and chances of recovery. Now you have yourself sorted and taken the trouble to research and learn to look for tracks, ensuring that family members other women do the same.

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