Saturday, October 31, 2009

“Breast Cancer - 3 Powerful Ways to Spiritually Heal Cancer” plus 1 more

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“Breast Cancer - 3 Powerful Ways to Spiritually Heal Cancer” plus 1 more

Breast Cancer - 3 Powerful Ways to Spiritually Heal Cancer

Posted: 30 Oct 2009 12:51 PM PDT

There are many things that modern medicine cannot explain. Many who have been diagnosed with breast cancer do get better, and others who have the best medical care sometimes do not. Yes, early diagnosis is helpful, but even if you are in the later stages there are things you can do to tap into your spiritual healing energy. Below are 3 things that will help you connect to Spirit:


No matter what your religious beliefs, having faith and calling upon the infinite power of the Universe does help. Prayers are always answered if you ask in the right way. Fear can block your call for help and connection to this Power. If you have breast cancer the best time to ask your inner self for help is when you are going to bed at night or in the morning when you awaken. This is the time when your fearful conscious mind is not fully active, and you have a better connection to your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is your direct connection to the infinite power of the Universe.


Doctor's still can't explain why some patients "miraculously" get better and others do not. A shift in your mindset and the way you think and feel about yourself can have amazing results in helping you recover. However, when you are battling breast cancer keeping a positive mindset is easier said than done. You must use your mind to focus on a positive outcome. If you notice negative thoughts creeping in, do not dwell on them. Change your thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts. This will take practice but the more you monitor your thoughts the better you will become at changing them. This will allow spiritual energy to flow through your body and heal you. Focusing on negative thoughts can block the energy your body requires to heal. If you have trouble focusing on positive thoughts then engage in an activity that takes your mind away from the negative thoughts.


It is a well documented fact that French Psychologist Emile Coue helped heal hundreds of patients by teaching them to repeat the following affirmation each morning and evening:

"Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better"

However keep in mind if you mindlessly repeat affirmations without visualizing the changes you want to happen, the results you desire may never come to fruition. Visualization allows your conscious mind to connect to your subconscious mind, and your subconscious mind has direct access to your powerful Inner Self. You also have to believe in the affirmations you are repeating. If you consciously repeat the affirmations but do not believe them your subconscious mind will respond by blocking your connection to Spirit. Below is a list of affirmations you can use:

» Divine Light heals me now
» My cells absorb healing energy and love
» My healthy cells produce a healthy body
» My body is cancer free
» I live a healthy life style
» My immune system is strong and healthy
» I release my fear
» The light is always with me
» You are a radiant and magnificent being
» I am blessed with strength and wholeness
» My cells absorb nourishment
» My cells are vibrant and healthy
» I am blessed with health
» I no longer have to struggle
» I am whole and well
» Healing energy flows through my body
» I let the power of love heal me
» I receive perfect health into my body
» My spirit can never be taken from me
» I give my body full permission to heal
» My cells are cancer free
» My treatment is effective
» Good health and I are one
» I let go of all negative ideas about my body
» The root cause of my pain heals now
» I am the source of my health
» I am deeply loved and cherished always
» I continue to receive healing power
» My cells absorb light and love
» You continue to receive healing energy
» Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better

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Chemotherapy Treatment For Breast Cancer - Is This Your Only Option?

Posted: 30 Oct 2009 06:52 AM PDT

The "War on Cancer" started in 1971 and since then billions and billions of dollars have been spent to fight against cancer. So you would expect that with so much money and resources that are spent each year, cancer would become less dangerous and less frequent. but this is not the case and each year the rate of cancer deaths increases. Could it be that chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer is not the best solution?

All the drugs, that are produced and sold to treat cancer are referred as chemotherapy. These drugs have to go through years and years of testing and millions of dollars are spent for it. Each dug or cure has to go through this process and this means most natural treatments and alternative treatments simple will not be accepted.

Another problem that exists is that, you can not patent something that comes from nature, like you can with drugs. When you can not patent something, then you also can not make money of it. That is why natural cures and pushed aside, they simple do not make money to big corporations and drug companies.

A average person, who has breast cancer or any other type of cancer, has to take these extremely dangerous, expensive and ineffective drugs. Money is the main factor, not the health and well-being of patients. For ordinary people it is really hard to understand how this can happen, but it does.

That is why it is essential for every person, to do her own research and look for various alternative ways to cure cancer. Expecting the doctors to solve all problems and expecting them to know everything, is not the way to go. If there is something that you can do, to treat breast cancer, then do it and there are a lot of things that you can do.

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